Friday, March 28, 2008

Huck Finn Reading Check Quiz

Huck Finn Reading Check Quiz

Chapter XXIX

1. The real Harvey Wilks, in an authentic English accent, explains the reasons he and his brother, William, were delayed:
A) their luggage was misdirected
B) his mute brother broke his arm, leaving him unable to communicate by signs.
C) Both

2. Doctor Robinson again declares the duke and the dauphin to be frauds and has the crowd bring the real and the fraudulent Wilks brothers to ________ for examination.
A) a tavern B) the library C) town square

3. Why does a lawyer friend of the deceased ask the duke, the dauphin, and the real Harvey to sign a piece of paper?
A) to defraud them of their money
B) to compares the writing samples to letters he has from the real Harvey
C) to expose the frauds

4. Why does this plan not work?
A) The dauphin claims that the duke is playing a joke on everyone by disguising his handwriting.
B) The real William serves as scribe for the real Harvey and cannot write due to his broken arm.
C) the undertaker surprises everyone by telling the crowd he saw no tattoo
D) both A and B

5. What does the mob find in the coffin?
A) $6,000 in gold B) a tattoo C) none of the above

Chapter XXX
6. Why does the dauphin nearly strangle Huck?
A) Out of anger B) For deserting them C) none of the above

7. Who stops him?
A) the duke B) Jim C) Miss Watson

8. Why do the Duke and Dauphine nearly come to blows?
A) Each believes that the other hid the gold in the coffin to retrieve it later, without the other knowing.
B) The duke told Jim the dauphine’s secret
c) none of the above

Chapter XXXI
9. What do the duke and the dauphin start to do that worries Jim and Huck?
A) the two start to have secret discussions
B) they sleep all the time
C) none of the above

10 .What happens at the tavern that allows Huck the chance to escape?
A) a fight B) they get drunk C) none of the above

11. Back at the raft, however, there is no sign of Jim. Why?
A) a man recognized Jim as a runaway from a handbill
B) the duke sold him for $200
C) Jim was sold to Silas Phelps
D) none of the above

12. Why does Huck decides not to write to Tom Sawyer?
A) he does write to him
B) Miss Watson would sell Jim anyway
C) he would be ashamed of having helped a slave, a black man, escape
D) both B and C

13. Overwhelmed by his predicament, Huck suddenly realizes that this quandary must be God’s punishment for the sin of helping Jim. Why can’t Huck pray for forgiveness?
A) his heart is not in it
B) he decides, “All right then, I’ll go to hell!”
C) none of the above

14. Huck puts on his store-bought clothes and goes to see Silas Phelps, the man who is holding Jim. Who does Huck encounter while on his search?
A) the duke B) The Royal Nonesuch C) none of the above

Chapter XXXII
15. What threats Huck at the Phelps house?
A) the truth B) a pack of hounds C) the law

16. The white mistress of the house, Sally, comes outside, delighted to see Huck because
A) she is certain he is her nephew
B) she thinks that he is Tom
C) none

17. Sally asks why he has been delayed the last several days. Taking the opportunity to conceal his identity by pretending to be her nephew, Huck explains
A) he took the long way home
B) a cylinder head on the steamboat blew out
C) a “nigger” was killed

18. Hearing a steamboat go up the river, Huck heads out to the docks,
A) to get his luggage
B) to inform Tom of the situation should he arrive
C) both

Chapter XXXIII
19. Huck meets Tom’s wagon coming down the road. Tom is at first startled by the “ghost.” Why does he think Hick is a ghost?
A) Huck got covered in flower from the bakery B) He believes that Huck was murdered back in St. Petersburg C) none of the above

20. Why does Huck say, “Tom Sawyer fell considerable in my estimation”?
A) Tom even agrees to help Huck free Jim. B) Huck is shocked by Tom’s willingness to do something so wrong by society’s standards. C) Both A and B

21. Who is William Thompson?
A) a boy from Ohio B) a traveler, stopping on his way to visit his uncle nearby
C) The lively Tom Sawyer D) all of the above

22. Why does Tom’s aunt nearly slap William Thompson?
A) he leans over and kisses her B) she thinks he is an impolite stranger c) both

23. Waiting for Sally and Silas to mention the runaway slave supposedly being held on their property, one of Sally and Silas’s boys asks to see the show that is passing through town. What is it?
A) the Barnum and Bailey Circus B) the duke and the dauphin C) none

24. That night, Huck and Tom sneak out of the house. What do they see?
A) a mob B) the duke and dauphine C) a rail D) all of the above

25. What does Huck concludes that a conscience?
A) “Human beings can be awful cruel to one another” B) It is useless because it makes you feel bad no matter what you do C) none

Summary: Chapter XXXIV
26. How do Huck and Tom get Jim’s keeper to let them see Jim?A) they prey on his belief in superstition

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