Friday, March 28, 2008

To Kill a Mockingbird Test

What were the summertime boundaries when Scout was six and Jem was ten?

Which is not true about Dill?
(a) he had snow white hair,
(b) he was taller than Scout,
(c) he had a cowlick in the center of his forehead,
(d) he was staying with his aunt Rachel,
(e) he could read.

What is not one of the things unusual about the Radley house?
(a) the doors were closed on Sunday
(b) the people were afraid of walking by it
(c) the people kept to themselves
(d) once a fire burned the back part of the house
(e) all were true.

Who invites Walter Cunningham home for lunch?

What does Walter do during lunch which causes Scout to ask, "What the sam hill is he doing"?

What lesson does Calpurnia try to teach Scout about Walter?

Where does Scout end up when Jem rolls her in the tire?

What new game do the children play?

What finally stops them from playing the game? What was the reason Scout wanted to quit the game which she says occurred the day she rolled in the tire?

10. List at least two of Scouts learning experiences.
(a) The Cunninghams are poor but honest people.
(b) She must treat Walter with courtesy even though he is poor.
(c) A guest must always be treated with respect regardless of his/her station in life.
(d) She must try to see things from others’ points of view.
(e) Compare the Cunninghams with the Ewells

What does Scout do with Miss Maudie at summer twilight?

What term does Miss Maudie use for Mr. Radley: "he was a __ Baptist."

What quality best describes Miss Stephanie?
(a) caring,
(b) gossipy,
(c) religious,
(d) hard,
(e) soft

What happens to Jem's pants?

What lie does Dill tell about how Jem lost his pants?

How Miss Maudie contrast with some of the other characters in the book?

According to Scout, what was the only good thing about second grade?

Which of the following is NOT one of things found in the knothole of the live oak?
(a) a medal,
(b) twine,
(c) soap figures,
(d) a pack of gum,
(e) all of the above are found

What two things constitute the children's "biggest prize"?

What subject does Jem particularly like studying when he reaches sixth grade?

What stops the gifts in the knothole?
Who does Mr. Avery blame for the change in the weather?

What unusual thing happens which causes school to be cancelled?

Who is the snowman first made to look like?

Why does Atticus send the children in front of the Radley house to watch the fire?

What does Mr. Avery do which redeems him as a character?

What makes Atticus think the children didn't "stay put"?

What disappointment does Scout have regarding Boo?

Why does Jem suddenly reveal all that has happened to them?

Why isn't Miss Maudie upset about the fire?

Why does Scout fight with Cecil Jacobs?

What reason does Atticus give for not using the word, "nigger"?

What relation is Francis to Aunt Alexandra?

How does Uncle Jack protect Scout?

Why does Atticus not tell Scout to go to bed earlier when he is talking with Jack?

What complaint does Scout have regarding Atticus?

Why, according to Miss Maudie, does Atticus believe it's a sin to kill a mockingbird?

What target does Scout want to shoot at?

Why is the incident with the dog unusual for February?

What does Atticus do which flabbergasts the kids?

What does Jem use to destroy Mrs. Dubose's flowers? What does Jem have to do as result?

What do the children listen for that means they are free to go?

What are Mrs. Dubose's fits?

Why does Atticus say Mrs. Dubose was a courageous woman?

What does Mrs. Dubose leave Jem and what is his reaction to it?

Why are the blacks "lin'" their hymns?

How much money is Rev. Sykes attempting to raise? Who is the money for?

What does Rev. Sykes do to assure he has the amount he wants?

Why do the children feel Calpurnia leads a double life?

Both Mrs. Dubose and Calpurnia teach the children by their actions. Make a list of things we learn from each.
Mrs. Dubose

What best describes Aunt Alexandra's figure?
(a) diminutive,
(b) formidable,
(c) wispy,
(d) Maycomb,
(e) none of the above

What is not true about Aunt Alexandra?
(a) she joined many groups,
(b) she is concerned with her heritage,
(c) she gossips, (d) she admires Calpurnia,
(d) she feels Atticus is too easy on the children

Fill in the correct word for this idea from Aunt Alexandra: "Everybody in Maycomb, it seemed had a __: a Drinking ___, a Gambling ___, a Mean ___, a Funny ___"

In the discussion of the history of Maycomb, who was responsible for the formation of the town:
(a) Abner
(b) Maycomb,
(c) Sinkfield,
(d) Cunningham,
(e) Ewell

What had Cousin Joshua done?

What does Atticus come to talk with the children about that Scout feels he really doesn't want to talk about?

What story about Calpurnia does Scout tell which creates an arguement between Atticus and Alexandra?

Why do Scout and Jem fight?

What do they think is under Scout's bed? What is under her bed?

Where does Dill think he and Scout can get a baby?

Where does Scout think they can get a baby?

Why do the men with Heck Tate come to see Atticus?

What was Atticus's "dangerous question"?

What happened when the Ku Klux Klan tried to intimidate Sam Levy?

Why is Jem afraid?

Where does Atticus sit at church?

Why does Atticus take the long extension cord with him?

Why does Scout kick someone?

According to Atticus, how had Scout gotten Mr. Cunningham to "walk around in my shoes"?

Why do some people get upset with Miss Maudie's yard?

How do people treat the trial?

According to Jem, how does one judge being "colored"?

Who takes the children "under his wing"?

74. What is Aunt Alexandra’s role and what is her attitude concerning Atticus’ involvement with Tom Robinson’s case?

75. What effect does the Robinson case have on the Finch household?

Who lives by the dump and where does Tom live?
What was the surprising feature in the Ewells yard?
(a) a refrigerator,
(b) a bathtub,
(c) a dentist chair,
(d) flowers in slop jars.

What question is asked by Atticus that shows both Mr. Tate and Mr. Ewell had no real concern about Mayella's condition?

What does Atticus prove by having Mr. Ewell write his name on the envelope?

Does the judge feel sorry for Mr. Ewell?

Did Mayella look like she had tried to keep herself clean?

Who does Mayella say she's afraid of?

Does the judge seem to feel sorry for Mayella?

What contradiction to the story Mr. Ewell told is revealed in the following quote from Mayella? "…next thing I knew Papa was in the room a'standin' over me hollerin' who done it, who done it?"

How old is Mayella?

What is Mayella's response to whether her father had ever beaten her?

Where is Mayella's mother?

What does Mayella do after her last speech to the courtroom?

How had Tom ever been in trouble with the law before?

Why does Scout think Mayella must have been lonely?

Why is Tom's left arm important to his defense?

What does Tom say to Mr. Gilmer that makes the crowd angry?

Why, according to Atticus, does Mayella want Tom to be found guilty?

What did Atticus do in public that Scout had never seen him do?

What one way are all men created equal, according to Atticus?

Who comes to the trail at the end of the chapter?

Who wrote the note that Calpurnia gives to Atticus?

What agreement does Atticus make with the children regarding the trial?

Why are the children surprised when they return to the courthouse?

How, according to Scout, do you know whether a jury has found the defendant guilty or not before the verdict?

How do you know the blacks think highly of Atticus at the end of the trial? the next day?

What immediate reaction does Jem have to the verdict?

Who, according to Atticus, are the only ones to cry when Maycomb does terrible things like the jury did?

What occupation does Dill decide he wants to pursue?

What had happened to Atticus that prompts Miss Rachel to tell Dill to stay at home and say, "There's danger a'comin'"?

What was the only thing Atticus said about his encounter with Mr. Ewell?

What is Jem's solution to the jury system?

What kind of person does Atticus call trash?

Why couldn't women be on the juries, according to Atticus?

Who does Aunt Alexandra talk about which causes Scout to cry?

What are the four kinds of people in Maycomb, according to Jem?

What kind of folks are there, according to Scout?

Who is the woman who seems to lead all the discussion?

How do Aunt Alexandra and Miss Maudie show courage?

What is Jean Louise's reaction to Aunt Alexandra at the end of the chapter?

How long was Maycomb interested in Tom's story?

To what does Mr. Underwood compare Tom's death?

What comment does Mr. Ewell make, which is reported by Miss Stephanie?

What is Scout's fantasy about Boo?

How does Miss Gates react to the Grit Paper?

What does Cecil Jacobs bring up that prompts Miss Gates to discuss "democracy"?

What had Miss Gates said, leaving the courthouse that confused Scout?

How does Jem react to it all?

What hypocracy does Miss Gates exhibit?

How could the plight of the Jews be compared to the plight of the blacks of the 1930's South?

What is Scout about to do which upsets Jem?

What were Dill and Jem doing that allowed them to go to Tom's house with Atticus?

What was Helen Robinson's reaction at seeing Atticus?

How long was Maycomb interested in Tom's story?

To what does Mr. Underwood compare Tom's death?

What comment does Mr. Ewell make, which is reported by Miss Stephanie?

What is Scout's fantasy about Boo?

How does Miss Gates react to the Grit Paper?

What does Cecil Jacobs bring up that prompts Miss Gates to discuss "democracy"?

What had Miss Gates said, leaving the courthouse, that confused Scout?

How does Jem react to it all?

Describe the two knives that Mr. Tate had.

What assumption does Mr. Tate make about Scout's costume and the shiny line on the back of her costume?

How did Scout know she was by a tree?

Why could none of the neighbors have heard Scout call?

Why couldn't Atticus and Alexandra hear Scout?

At first, who did Atticus believe killed Mr. Ewell?

What does Mr. Tate say happened?

How did Mr. Ewell actually get killed?

How did all the adults treat Boo?

What does Boo ask Scout to do for him?

What does Scout realize standing on the Radley porch?

What does Atticus read to Scout?

What realization does Scout have about other people at the end of the book?

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